Looking for new ideas to try as the colder weather sets in? Any other winter-lovers out there, like me? I honestly prefer fall and winter to the hot hot summer!
Regardless of seasonal preferences, the weeks leading up to winter break can be rough. Many teachers can show culturally appropriate films, but we actually aren’t allowed to show *any* full length movies in my school (that’s a discussion for another time) so I need to find ways to keep my students engaged through our content. That being said, I still want them to have a bit of fun! They have been working hard all year, and they are excited and antsy before break.
It’s especially important to note that some students have a very difficult time leading up to break, for various reasons. There could be many reasons that they aren’t looking forward to the holiday break in the same way that most of their classmates are. For this reason and many others, I want to find ways to celebrate ALL winter traditions and not just the gift giving fever that many teens are hyper focused on.
Read on for my favorite winter activities to use with my Spanish classes, and make sure you read to the end as there are some BIG surprises there for you!
(Also Includes Feliz Año Nuevo banners!)
This banner is already hanging in my classroom windows, with my winter posters nearby! It is a bit hard to see because yesterday was a very sunny day 🙂
The resource has four different versions of this banner, as well as two banners for welcoming in the new year!
2) Winter Writing and Decor
This is an activity that we may use before and/or after the break. I am always looking for ways to motivate students to bring their OWN cultures into our classroom so that we can compare and make cross-cultural connections. With this resource, students from all backgrounds can choose the banner that best fits their family winter holiday traditions. My colleague’s Spanish 4 students will use the “Mis aspiraciones para el año nuevo” to fit in with their goal-setting unit! After we are done, I will hang these on the window next to our Feliz Navidad banner!
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